Selling Degree

Marketers have the luxury of marketing degrees.
Selling degrees don't exist for sellers.
That sucks. Until now.


Learn the History & Mystery,
Along with Methodologies & Technologies,
Then go explore the Psychology & Sociology
of the oldest profession known to be - selling!


Who were the first salespeople?
Who are the greatest salespeople?
We won't get too esoteric here, promise.


What is the magic element that makes a salesperson great? Some call it rainmaker quality, others call it mojo. Here we delve into it deeper.


BANT - SPIN - STAR - What is that?!
You'll learn so you can earn.


The technology our ancestors would have loved are here. Ring the GONG! We need to ZOOM into this so deeply for info that we'll call it ZOOMINFOing. We'll reach out to you so much that we call it Outreach. And we'll do it in unison like a Chorus. We just want you to give you the confidence to Connect&Sell!


Learn from thought leaders who have influenced generations of salesmen and saleswomen.


Learn the vocabulary for your teams, your industry, and your clients while understanding the dynamics existing in every sales process.

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We'll be releasing this soon, stay tuned.

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